Saturday, September 18, 2010

Quinlin In Motion

This is the third of a series of paintings of my four grand daughters. I painted all of these with the idea of catching the girls "in motion" rather than in tranditional "portraiture". Each of these paintings (see the past ones in the blog as "Madie in Motion" and "JoJo's First Ocean") are of the girls in their second year. This one caught Quinlin running at a museum in San Francisco on a visit with her Dad, Brian, and me.

There is one grand daughter left to paint, Ellie. She will be two in 2011. Better get the camera ready !!!

New England Harbor

This was another image that got my attention when I saw it. So tranquil !!! I love the serene nature of this image as it reminds me of the time Janiel and I spent sailing along the New England coast. In my painting style, I always like the reflections that show themselves in a water scene, like this. This image allows a lot of reflections with the boat, the house, and the rising moon.

The Beach House

This one shows the beach house in Myrtle Beach that is the "respite" for Barbara and Fred. Last summer, they let our Naples dinner club enjoy the house with them. We all had a great time and, to recognize the event, I painted the house. If you look closely, you'll also see one of the fluffy dogs who live in Barb and Fred's life. Thanks, Princess Foo-Foo!