Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Old Mill

A friend from Colorado posted a photo of this old mill on her Facebook page.  I was struck by the composition and the detail in this image.  And, since I really like images with reflections, this "hit the spot" for me.  I don't know where this is, at this point, it could be anywhere in New England or other locales.

The original image had no ripples or distortion in the water.  It looked almost too perfect! So, I added some distortion as I thought that it made it too real.  New England in the Fall always generates great colors, too.

Tropical Flower with Drops

 This was the latest of my series on flowers.  Up to seven, done during the COVID shut down.  Being quarantined at home for a few months allowed me more time to paint.  I both liked it and hated it at the same time.  But, I did get a lot of work done and decided to do several series, which is new for me.

This is a tropical flower, possibly a hibiscus.  But, the interesting element is the droplettes of water.  My good friend and mentor, Arturo helped me a lot to get the realism right.  Size and spacing were key to making them look real.  This ended up very nice, I think