Saturday, October 13, 2018

Purdue Clock Tower

My alma mater, Purdue University, built a large clock tower some time ago to replace one that had burned down from the old days.  It is now a major location in the middle of campus and a significant landmark.

I have always wanted to paint the clock tower and an opportunity presented itself this year.  Our local Purdue Alumni Club of SW Florida was looking for items to use in a fund raising event and asked me to paint something for an auction.  So, I chose the clock tower and found an image of the tower at full moon.

Turned out pretty cool.  I hope that some contributor thinks so!

Oxley Chapel - Arkansas

During the summer of 2018, Janiel and I went on a trip to Arkansas to see her brother and visit the Crystal Bridges art museum. On the way back, Mack, Bill, Janiel and I took the scenic route through the Qzark Mountains.  Something that I hadn't done.

Along the way, we stopped by the famous "Oxley Chapel".  Then we had dinner at a wonderful restaurant in a place called "Low Gap" - a great name! There, Mack, Janiel's brother saw a painting of the chapel and remarked that he would like a painting of it some time.  Now, he has one!  Here it is.