Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sunset Dyptich

These are two 2 ft. by 4 ft. pieces that were commissioned by Barb, a very good friend.  She wanted two pieces with one scene, but ones that could stand on their own on either side of her entertainment system.  This shows the two sections together.

Barb wanted a lot of coral in the paintings, as it was a key color in her design scheme.  So, we decided to make it a sunset oriented subject.  She also wanted a landscape that was soothing.  This one does it, I think.

Pi Kappa Alpha

My fraternity, Pi Kappa Alpha at Purdue University recently completed a major renovation on the fraternity house.  As part of that renovation, an "alumni room" was built where various pieces of memorabilia will be stored and displayed. 

I decided, as part of this renovation, to do a painting of the fraternity pin and chapter identification, Beta Phi. The smaller pin is the Pike pledge pin. This is how it turned out.  The piece was presented in November 2014 at the house dedication and will be mounted soon. It is based on my exact pin.

I'm proud of this piece and of the fact that it will be displayed at the house for many years - unless they spill too much beer on it!